31 Best Business Ideas for Couples in 2024

Looking for the best business ideas for couples? We've narrowed down our list of the top 30 business ideas.

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Emotionally, all the capital that you’re ever going to need to start a business with a partner is ‘trust.’ And when that partner is also your significant other, you’ll find that you have no shortage of trust in the endeavor. 

Sure, starting a business together with your partner might seem somewhat of a risky proposal at first; there are always those initial bumps like, what if she always comes late? Or what if you don’t like the way he always leaves the cash register open? And stuff like that.

However, you may find that though it may be challenging initially, and it may seem doomed to fail, like for most, starting a business together with your other half might just be the thing for you.

Benefits of Starting a Business as a Couple

There’s always the fear of boredom in a marriage, which is perfectly justified. After two decades of going about the same old routine, you might find that the flame of romance that once burned so strongly years back has started to flicker.

To some couples, starting a business together is just what they need to get back that spark in their marriages. Like in everything else, the initial stages wouldn’t always be smooth sailing; there’ll be ups and downs, good times and bad times, but then you’ll have someone to go through it with, someone by your side through the failures and the successes. 

And, as for living the same old routine? Goodbye to that. A new business, even having all the needed information, is filled with a lot of unknowns that you guys would have to sort through together. And inevitably, the close proximity to each other forces you to spend more time together with your partner, which might help to foster better relation and communication between you two.  Every success would take on a whole new meaning because you both helped bring it to past. What more can you ask for in a bonding experience?

In all honesty though, while starting a business as a couple can do wonders to a relationship, it isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. However, if you do decide to take the chance in this endeavor, there are a number of options available for you and your partner to choose from.

Best Business Ideas for Couples

There are a ton of profitable business ideas for a two-person team. Whether you’re looking for innovative ideas for you and your spouse or one that requires little investment — we have you covered.

1. Wedding Services

This is basically the bomb of couple business ideas, and so is a good way to start this off. What better way for a love-sick couple to spend their day than helping other love-sick couples plan for their big day? In terms of profits, the average cost of planning even the most standard of weddings is simply insane.

And, depending on you and your partner’s interests, there are number of areas you could delve into, from sourcing for wedding venues, to baking the cake, to providing the flowers—all of which are incredibly valuable and profitable services.

2. Coffee Shop

Opening a coffee shop in your town or city is always a good place to start because, well, who doesn’t love a good cup of coffee? The coffee industry is predicted to be a quickly growing enterprise, and with a calculated annual growth potential of close to 6.2%, is expected to reach a total revenue worth of about USD 155.64 billion in five years…so that eliminates any fear of stagnation you might have. Your partner and you can design an environment that’s unique to both of you, tailoring your working hours and menu in the same vein to make a place that you can both be proud of.

With the right cup of coffee and high speed internet, a coffee shop could easily, and has been easily fostering a growing environment that lasts for decades; which is just the sort of thing you’re looking for in couple run businesses.

3. Juice and Smoothie Bar Business 

In more recent times, people are more worried about eating healthy and watching calories, so opening a juice and smoothie bar business might be just the thing to do. Your drinks menu should be tailored to popular interests and palates to fit with you and your partner’s brand.

 It’s key to find a good location for your shop; somewhere close to a health and fitness centre might work as getting something healthy to drink after working out is a natural transition for their clients.

4. Babysitting

Babysitting is one of the few businesses out there in which you have no fear of ever getting irrelevant. Why? Because there’s no shortage of people looking for someone dependable for their quickly growing kids. And that’s where being a couple comes into play: people instinctively trust you guys.

It’s one of the best couple businesses out there because babysitting is quite easy to start, it doesn’t really change your routine all that much, and it has great growth potential because there’s always a harried parent looking for someone dependable to watch their kids on services like Care.com and other babysitting sites.

5. Pet Sitting Business

Maybe you want to start up with something small, and share your partner’s love for animals in the process. It doesn’t take much to spread the word to your friends, neighbors, and colleagues about your new business. 

And as this is a couple’s endeavor, you have two sets of friends, colleagues, and families to guilt trip into being clients. Owners would generally feel more comfortable leaving their pets in the company of someone they trust. And once again, this, being a family business is just going to foster that trust even more.

Related: How Much Does Rover Pay? Yes, You Can Walk Dogs for Money

6. House Sitting

This isn’t a traditional business in the sense of the word; however, if you do decide to make it one, then it comes with an amazing benefit of affording you glorious opportunities to live in a plethora of exciting locales around your town, city, or the world, completely rent free.

Starting a house sitting business as a couple can be done easily with no need for initial capital or prior experience. It is completely profit intensive because, once again, all you’re paying for is the gas money to get to the house (and sometimes not even that). 

7. House Cleaning Service

Walking home to a dirty house is one of the most infuriating things out there; yet mustering up the energy to clean it after a long day of work is probably the last thing that’s going to be on anyone’s mind. Still, house cleaning is still something that needs to be done. And that’s where you come in. You and your partner could offer your services on the weekends or during less free days to such families in need, and get the work done twice as quickly working as a team. Don’t know where to start? This starting a cleaning business checklist can help!

8. Food Truck

Starting a food truck as a couple business follows the same logic as owning a coffee shop: everybody wants to eat. And a food truck is better than a restaurant because of the freedom it signifies. It’s far more manageable, and costs less than opening a full-scale restaurant, and comes with the added benefit of wheels. And you don’t have to worry about staying in trend as it is estimated that the food truck industry will reach a value of close to a billion dollars.

The limited space inside the vehicle forces employment down to a team of two, which is great, because that’s what you were going for anyway in a couple businesses. A menu of burgers only which would never be able to keep a restaurant in business is enough to make a massively successful food truck, parked in the right spot. So, take to the road and bring your culinary delights to the world.

Related: How To Start A Food Business: A Step By Step Guide

9. Food Bank

Running a food bank generally is a non-profit venture, meaning you have no chance of getting actual monetary gains, however, it is the perfect business for couples who want to make a real difference in the world by helping out the less fortunate.

There is some need for a food storage space and to communicate your intentions with other food banks in the area so as to set up a schedule for when individuals can come to get food from you but other than those, there’s not much management needed when starting a food bank.

10. Food Delivery

This is a business venture that’s unsurprisingly quite popular in recent times as a result of the pandemic, and though it seems like a relatively simple venture to go into, food delivery has had an estimated annual growth rate of 7.26% and is expected to reach a market value of US $41 million by 2025.

Partnering up with fast food franchises has been primarily dominated by the big names, however, that focus has left virtually every other area of food delivery untouched.

Two heads are always better than one so, with a little outside-the-box thinking, and some effort, you and your partner stand to realize some substantial profits in this industry, tapping into previously untested waters.

Related: 11 Best Delivery App Jobs to Land Your Next Paycheck

11. Courier Service

All that’s really needed from a couple to start a successful courier service is a means of reliable transport and mobile phones. Which makes sense once you think about it; you’re gonna need the transports to pick up and drop off your packages, and you’ll need the cell phones to coordinate everything with your other half, and your clients.

Though, you’re probably going to start out with just a few clients, this works great because only one person is needed for the deliveries while the other can stay at home, handling the paper work. When business booms, however, a couple run courier service allows an opportunity to deliver to several routes at the same time, basically doubling your income at half the time. 

12. House Flipping

For those unfamiliar with the term, house flipping is basically buying run-down properties at affordable prices, fixing them up and reselling them for a profit. It obviously isn’t as simple as it sounds, but if you or your partner have a knack for remodeling and/or marketing, it generally makes this easier.

Though initially capital intensive, the goal is to maximize your profits by minimizing how much actually goes into the remodeling. That’s why having even a little bit of experience in construction, remodeling or sales is hugely helpful. However, even without any of those, with proper planning, house flipping can easily be developed into a massive venture.

13. Wholesale and Retail

This is another great venture where being in a couple works out great for the easy division of labor. To start, both your partner and you would need a shop in a well-placed location. As someone would need to be on ground to man the shop at all times, the other would be in charge of purchasing the products at a cheaper price elsewhere for later sale at your own shop.

Though you might decide to jump straight to wholesale, it might be easier to start with retail first, then work your way up when the value of the business grows. For wholesale, you’ll probably need to go to the company directly to get your products.

14. Blogging/Vlogging

Sure, documenting your life as a mid-aged couple might sound a little bit corny, but if yours is a relationship with a lot of funny stories or ideas to share, you might find this to be a perfect fit. 

All you have to do to turn your blog into a booming business venture is to create and maintain your relationship’s unique theme, and post regular content about that. If yours is a relationship filled with travel, then working on and posting travel guides or other anecdotes about your trips or experience might be a good place to start; and as a bonus, you strengthen your bonds in the process.

Related: How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners

15. Co-authoring a Book

Yours might be a creative relationship, filled with book worthy ideas. Putting all of these down is a great business venture, however, it’s also one filled with stress—that’s where having a partner to share the workload with comes in handy.

You could both decide on the plot together and get some good bonding points from the countless hours you’ll need to hash out the details. Though, of course it doesn’t end there, after the book is finished, there’s still publishing and promotion to look forward to before you can start earning.

16. Getting Some Gigs on Fiverr

Fiverr is a great place to start if either you or your partner has a skill and is looking for a way it can be monetized. Sure, there are sites with much higher paying rates but those are usually for freelancers with tons of experience in the field.

You could start up with simple tasks to begin, working your way up and building your portfolio in the process. And though, admittedly, finishing tasks on Fiverr isn’t likely to grow into a million dollar venture, yet it might provide you with the capital you need to put in motion another of your ideas that might grow into a million dollar venture. And, as a bonus, going through task can provide great bonding time with your partner.

17. Farmer’s Market Stall

Renting a stall at your town’s weekly farmers market is relatively inexpensive, yet has the potential to bring great dividends. This might be just the thing for you and your partner if opening a food truck or smoothie bar isn’t your style. You could keep the flames of your culinary aspirations alive with your kick-ass products, and use the opportunity to get valuable feedback from your customers

This is a relatively small business venture at its start but it has great growth potential and might be a fun way to break-out of the weekly routine and bond as a couple.

18. Catering 

Sure, starting a catering business is probably one of the most demanding things that you can think of, but it gets way easier if you already have a flair for it, and a willing partner who’s ready to help take some load off. It requires a level of quick thinking and quick acting to meet with deadlines yet catering is hugely beneficial, not just financially (which it is), but also personally. 

Working as a team is one of the fastest way to develop trust, and build bonds which is another bonus of the business.

19. Jewelry Business 

Starting a jewelry business of this nature follows the same logic as opening a wholesale and retail shop. In this, there remains the need for a division of labor where one partner (preferably the husband) sources for quality products at cheaper rates in other towns or cities, and brings it back to be resold for a profit. 

As the business grows, it opens up the avenue for your products to be sold wholesale, i.e. in bulk for an increase in profit. Though, its initial process might be quite demanding, it becomes infinitely easier with a partner with which to share the load with, making it a perfect venture for couples.

20. Handmade Jewelry Business  

Making jewelries is a great way to let the creative juices flow. The business is relatively easy to start with, and though in its initial stages it is heavily material dependent, it more than pays for itself if properly marketed. 

Whether you decide to get an actual store from which to sell your products, or to make on demand, all that you’ll need is a couple of raw materials, the most basic knowledge of marketing, and a partner willing to take some of the load off operations. Viola, you have a successful business.

21. Party Planning 

Though the business can be started with little or no investment, it is a venture that demands much detailing and quick thinking, so is aptly suited to a couple who are not afraid to take up challenges working as a team. Right off the bat, it’s going to require tight schedules, and a lot of organization, so communication between you and your partner is a must-have. 

You’ll have no shortage of team bonding exercises when dealing with the multiple crises that would inevitably arise, but you’ll also be properly compensated at the end of it all.

22. Online Tutoring

All that’s needed for online tutoring is a good internet connection and a device able to connect with it. It’s most suited to couples who have expertise to one or a variety of subjects or topics. 

There’s a patience factor that might be essential depending on the age range of your students, but any frustration that’s felt can easily be worked out calmly with your partner.

Related: How to Become a Tutor: 4 Sites to Find Online Tutoring Jobs

23. Rentals

Delving into the rental business is an effort in investment. While initially capital intensive when you acquire the products you wish to sell, it more than pays for itself with its potential for growth. Management isn’t much of an issue and there’s little risk to yourself or your partner because apart from the initial capital and any other business upgrade plans you may have, there would be no need to pump more money into it.

24. Bed and Breakfast

To maximize the most out of a B&B, you have to already live in a picturesque house with enough rooms to accommodate a lot of guests. And sure, letting strangers into your home might not be the most appealing thought, the profits that you stand to make are well worth the cost. Bed and Breakfasts are generally more preferable to hotels because of their affordability and to motels because of the better standard of the rooms so you’ll have no shortage of clients.

And this is another business where the easy division of labor that comes from being in a couple is put into play as one partner will be needed to interact with the guests, ensures their comfort while the other works behind the scenes and deals with every other nuisance.

25. Campground Manager

This is purely lucrative in that going camping is practically a staple for most families every year during the summer. Your job would be to provide a safe and comfortable campground for these would-be travelers. Depending on capital, you and your partner may decide to begin with a simple campground consisting of tents, or a full-scale one with cabins and RV hook-ups and the like.

Like any business that involves actual people, managing and developing may be somewhat demanding, requiring an air-tight business plan, solid research, and a good grasp of business promotion, so it helps if you have someone to help with some of the load—which, this being a couple venture, you do.

26. Travel Service 

Sure, it isn’t super popular now as a result of the pandemic but the Travel Agency is one of the fastest-growing businesses in the world. It is highly profitable, and value providing as it succinctly meets the needs of corporations and individuals with travel needs. As a whole the business is quite demanding as you and your partner would need to provide tickets for all forms of travel (air, water, and rail), as well as arrange suitable accommodations at each destination.

To make this easier, it is recommended to have a specific niche that is suitable for the both of you while still allowing you to generate the maximum amount of profit you can from the business.

27. Fitness Instruction

It goes without saying that fitness instruction is suited mostly (if not only) to couples with a passion for exercising and living healthy. It is partway a business venture and other ways a method of giving back to your community. There are avenues for personal training or class instruction as long as you’re certified by the necessary bodies first.

Depending on your individual specializations, you and your partner could double the number of sessions or classes booked (i.e. if you work the same field), or you could widen your client base through variety (i.e. if your specializations differ).

28. Landscaping

This venture is for couples with a horticulture induced fever—having the green thumb, as it is called. It’s a fast-growing industry with more recent demands driving up the market prices. There are two main styles of service you could go into as a couple: the Service Type and the Application Service.

It’s always recommended to pick out the facet which best suites you and your partner’s area of specialty and/or passion in order to get the best out of the business. Quality and fair service is a great way to develop a sustainable client base. But don’t forget about technology. You’ll likely need software for your landscaping company to be efficient and consistently attract quality leads.

29. Herb Garden

Maybe landscaping isn’t really your thing but if you still have an itch for growing things out of the ground, then starting a herb garden should be perfectly suited to you and your partner’s tastes—more maybe, because you can earn from it. There is an ever-growing need for herbs in recent palettes, from medicinal concoctions, to as garnish on a meal, to being infused in drinks and cocktails for that added kick.

With two pairs of hands, both you and your partner can afford to plant and tend to more plants than one would normally be able to. This, combined with the natural health benefits of herbs (meaning, you’re not likely to run out of clients), and your passion of the art, makes this venture a perfect fit.

30. Marital Counseling

Though it can be argued that a dash of compassion, the drive to help and years of experience in a marriage equips a couple with the necessary skill to help other couples face their issues, there is a need for both you and your partner to be properly licensed and trained before being approved as marriage counselors.

If you do hold these qualifications then a great benefit to a couple run marriage counseling business is the fact that you can offer services to a larger number of clients that you otherwise would have been able to, splitting them between yourselves as is necessary to avoid being overworked.

31. Photography Business

You and your partner could open a photography business in a small town. This would allow you to work together and help each other out. You could offer portrait sessions, wedding photography, and even pet photography.

This is a great business idea because it has a ton of potential to grow and is a great hobby that you can turn into a moneymaker. You can grow your business by adding additional services or expanding into new markets.

You may want to start out by offering photography services as a side job until you get established and work out any kinks in your business plan. You may also want to check the local regulations for running your own business because those laws can vary from town to town or even state to state.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Starting a business with your partner is a big decision. You need to be on the same page when it comes to your vision, goals, and strategies if you want your business to succeed.

There are a few key things you need to consider before starting a business with your partner:

What is your business vision?

Your vision should be something you can both get behind, something that inspires you to grow your business every day. If the two of you see eye-to-eye on your vision there’s a greater chance of reaching it.

Can you both be realistic?

You need to make sure that both of your expectations are grounded in reality. This means talking about how much time and money you’re both willing to invest and what kind of return on investment you’re hoping for.

What are your goals?

Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This will help you stay on track and make sure that your business is constantly moving forward.

How will you handle disagreements?

Disagreements are bound to happen when you’re working closely with someone, but it’s important to have a plan for how you’ll deal with them. Will you take a vote? Will one person have the final say? Having a clear plan will help keep your business running smoothly.

What are your values?

Your shared values will inform your vision and goals, so it’s important that you both possess the same core values. This is especially important if you’re starting a business together because it can affect how you run your company.

Can you trust each other?

You need to be able to trust each other when working together in a business, especially if you’re sharing responsibilities or working together on a regular basis.

If you need help with any of these areas, I would recommend seeking out a business coach who can give some guidance to you and your partner.

Best Business Ideas for Couples

Emotionally, all the capital that you’re ever going to need to start a business with a partner is ‘trust.’ And when that partner is also your significant other, you’ll find that you have no shortage of trust in the endeavor. 

Sure, starting a business together with your partner might seem somewhat of a risky proposition at first; there are always those initial bumps like, what if she always comes late? Or what if you don’t like the way he always leaves the cash register open? And stuff like that.

However, you may find that though it may be challenging initially, and it may seem doomed to fail, like for most, starting a business together with your other half might just be the thing for you.


What are the most successful small businesses?

Some of the most profitable businesses include auto repair, food trucks, car wash services, electronics repair, IT support, personal training, and enrichment activities for children.

What can couples do together to make money?

Apart from the ideas already listed in this article, some popular ideas include fitness business, affiliate marketing, starting a YouTube channel, building an Etsy store, starting a real estate business, social media management, t-shirt printing, consultancy business, or starting an e-commerce business.

Brian Meiggs
Brian Meiggs
Brian is the founder of Gigs Done Right and has tried every side hustle under the sun. His mission with Gigs Done Right is to share valuable information regarding the gig economy to everyone from beginners looking to start a side hustle, to veteran gig workers trying to expand their empire. He teaches people just like you how to make money in the gig economy and has been featured in Business Insider, Yahoo! Finance, NASDAQ, Discover, and more. He normally shares the latest news, videos, and topics for gig workers so they can earn more money in the gig economy.
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