Shipt Tipping Etiquette: How Much Am I Supposed to Tip?

We asked a real Shipt Shopper how much you're supposed to tip on Shipt. So before you leave nothing, learn the truth about Shipt tipping.

Need a tipping guide to figure out how much to tip Shipt Delivery Drivers? Or do they even get tipped?

The on-demand gig economy makes life easier — you can get food delivery and takeout delivered in under an hour.

Shipt makes this possible and they conveniently offer coupons for big savings. What’s not to love?

Even tipping is made more convenient… no more fumbling around in your wallet for cash while the delivery driver is awkwardly staring at you.

But wait, do you even tip people on Shipt?

Let’s find out.

Shipt Customer Promotion: Get free delivery on your first order by claiming here (must complete the sign up).

What Do Shipt Shoppers Do?

Shipt Shoppers make extra cash delivering lots of groceries to people like you and me.

They get grocery orders and go shopping at local grocery stores and deliver those items to customers’ homes.

Much like other delivery apps jobs, they work flexible hours and all the orders come through the Shipt app or website. The difference is that Shipt offers a monthly membership for $14 or a $99 yearly membership. However, they offer a 7-day free trial to try out the service.

Now, who wants to use a grocery delivery service that doesn’t partner up with your favorite retailers like Costco, Kroger, or Target? Shipt takes the cake by working with stores like Costco, ABC Fine Wine & Spirits, Kroger, Meijer, Whole Foods, H-E-B, Safeway, and Target.

Delivery times are super fast as quick as one hour from the time you order. Shipt has shoppers in 250+ markets and 5,000 cities.

shipt shopper

Do You Tip People on Shipt?

According to the Shipt help center, tips are not required but are greatly appreciated. If you choose to tip, you can add a tip when placing your order by choosing a preselected or custom amount. You may also tip in cash or within the app after you receive your delivery.

When placing your order, you have the option of selecting a specific amount to tip your Shipt Shopper.

shipt tipping
100% of your tip goes directly to the delivery driver delivering your order.

Can Shipt Shoppers See the Tip?

Your shopper won’t know that you tipped early or how much until 2 hours after they deliver. You’ll then receive an email confirming your finalized tip charge.

If you would like to tip your shopper once the delivery is completed, you can do so via the completed order review screen in the app.

If you would like to adjust a tip you have already left, you can contact Support directly and they can make the adjustment.

How Much are Shipt Shoppers Paid?

According to user-reported data on, Shoppers, make around $13 an hour on average, including tips.

At present, there is no “hourly guarantee” like on-demand ridesharing apps Uber or Lyft and other delivery services offer.

Other delivery driver jobs like Shipt include Postmates, DoorDash and Instacart.

What is Shipt Tipping Etiquette?

Well, we would have to learn from the grocery delivery drivers themselves, right?

We asked a real Shipt Shopper how much you’re supposed to tip on Shipt. So before you leave nothing, learn the truth about Shipt tipping.

According to a real Shipt Shopper, he says:

“On average I see tips around 20% for orders of around $50 and then it drops as the orders get bigger. Once the orders reach about $200 almost all of them tip 10%.”

– thylocene06 on Reddit, Shipt Shoppter

Customers and deliverers agree that a tip should be around $4 for a typical order, according to a recent study from U.S. Foods, a foodservice distributor, which asked customers and food deliverers how they feel about using apps like Shipt, Caviar, Instacart, Grubhub and Uber Eats, with an emphasis on tipping.

The Bottom Line

While tipping isn’t technically required — if you received good service then you should definitely pay it forward. Shipt Shoppers are paid much less than restaurant servers so tips are greatly appreciated by them.

So how much should you tip on Shipt?

How much should you tip on Shipt? Tipping 10% to 20% is a good start and is a great standard for service. If you choose to tip, you can add a tip when placing your order by choosing a preselected or custom amount. You may also tip in cash or within the app after you receive your delivery.

Brian Meiggs
Brian Meiggs
Brian is the founder of Gigs Done Right and has tried every side hustle under the sun. His mission with Gigs Done Right is to share valuable information regarding the gig economy to everyone from beginners looking to start a side hustle, to veteran gig workers trying to expand their empire. He teaches people just like you how to make money in the gig economy and has been featured in Business Insider, Yahoo! Finance, NASDAQ, Discover, and more. He normally shares the latest news, videos, and topics for gig workers so they can earn more money in the gig economy.

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Fran F.
Fran F.

Shopping at Meijer’s (Canton, MI) using Shipt’s services. Order was for $138; 3 items not available brought it down by about $18… BUT the shopper who delivered the groceries took the $15-tip (taped to the window) and kept the beer (Guinness extra-stout – two 6-packs). Meijer’s will credit my Visa card for the beer, meanwhile I will make do with tap water. The shopper was Selena (avoid her if you can).

Fran F.
Fran F.


Next time, I may try Kroger’s.

Lee Fransisco
Lee Fransisco

If a customer does not tip when I deliver their groceries I put them on my DND list “DO NOT DELIVER” We are going to your choice of store, selecting the items you will prepare to be consumed by your family. We “5 star shoppers” communicate with you “WHEN YOU RESPOND” through out this process to ensure your satisfaction. We then checkout, bag, load and deliver these same items. If you can’t afford to tip….YOU CAN’T AFFORD DELIVERY!!!! We work HARD and do MORE than a server at your favorite restaurant!! You are NOT entitled…KAREN!!!

K. R.
K. R.
Reply to  Lee Fransisco

You have a job. That job requires a certain amount of work per hour. I think everyone should make $15 an hr ( or more depending on COL of their area) for doing a good job, but trust me when I say a lot of other jobs that pay this much or less that require a heck of a lot more labor, intelligence, training and patience than you’re providing. Head housekeepers, customer service folks, baristas, factory workers, bank tellers, line cooks, etc. all make that for a lot more work. Also, being judgemental of folks that are hiring you is improper. Many seniors, the handicapped or ill, people who can’t drive and mothers with kids get delivery, not for convenience, but neccessity and they have limited income. After reading your comment, I can but conclude you are lazy and arrogant and not earning your keep. I appreciate my shoppers, and I tip, but if they had your attitude I’d report them.

Reply to  Lee Fransisco



Should I go on tipping 10% when, in every order (around $150 each), several of the items ordered are replaced by similar, but slightly more expensive items (e.g. ‘organic’ when I ordered regular chicken thighs, or ‘lean’ when I ordered plain ground pork), although the items I ordered are not marked “out of stock” either at the time of ordering or at the time of delivery?
Would that be a shopper’s error, or the store policy?
NOTE: all my orders were marked “No substitution”.

Reply to  Francoise

I feel like you should tip based on the level of service you received. That being said, I would like to address a few things in your comment just so you are aware.

If you have marked as no substitution, or you would like to be contacted if an item is not available – a shopper will see this and a GOOD shopper will follow your requests.

Communication is key from a shopper perspective and you as the customer. Most of your experience will be derived from this one critical skill. Not all shoppers understand this metric, it’s the difference between Shipt and all other grocery delivery options.

Out of stock items: while your store may show inventory – most of the time the inventory is incorrect. I am a shopper who does ask store employees to check stock levels and then look in the back if the system shows there should be stock – 99% of the time, there is actually no inventory in stock when I cannot find it on the floor.

The seasoned Shipt shopper has created a business with this service. We shop our preferred customers, because they request us and we receive priority over that order before any other shopper would see it. That being said, there are many new shoppers who do not understand that for this platform, we are a personal shopper to the customer. There is a bit of a learning curb to understanding the customer demographic and expectations of this app alone. (In many other apps it is a quantity over quality expectation, be as quick as you can to complete the task at hand, customer service is not so much at the top of the list. Shipt is quite the opposite.)

When you do find a shopper who follows your instruction, provides key communication, gives you an introduction and status updates during your shopping session – favorite this shopper. We are a needle in a hack stack but we are here to service you.

Tipping: Until you have found shoppers that have given you a great experience, my suggestion would be to not tip blindly. Tip based on the level of service you receive. Once you have a preferred shopper or more, your shopping experience will be much better and you should feel comfortable to tip based on past performance. This is one thing that sets Shipt apart from other platforms, a shopper does not know you tipped in advance. Shoppers accept offers with the expectation that if we provide great service, tips follow. (tips are a HUGE part of our earnings, without tips we would need to work somewhere else – many stay at home mom’s do this work while their children are in school or when they have free-time. For this reason, Shipt is a blessing.)

I hope this helps you and any other customers out there who find the tipping process daunting when you do not receive the quality of service you expect.